We all use our computers and mobile devices on a daily basis, for hours on end. It could be for various purposes – gaming, editing, etc. Would you like to make money for using internet on your PC, mobile device or PS4? That’s what I am going to talk about today. Honeygain is a website with which you can make money for renting internet on your PC or mobile device. By the way, you get $5 for free when you signup.
This is a great income opportunity for all, especially gamers, who sit on their PCs whole day. The best thing about this is that it only uses a little bit of your hardware (RAM, etc.) for running on your PC. That being said, this might not be a great opportunity for those on a limited date plan. On the other hand, if you are living in a Tier 1 country (US, UK, Canada, etc.), Honeygain is a great passive income opportunity.
In this tutorial, we will quickly see the features of Honeygain, the signup process and then, also see how we can install Honeygain on PS4 Linux to make money with your PS4.
Honeygain features
- $5 Free Signup bonus
- Available on Windows, mac, iPhone, Android, Linux (Docker)
- Content Delivery service for extra income (Available in some countries)
- Daily Lucky Pot Lottery
- Great Referral program
- Very low RAM usage
Honeygain Payment Proof
Well, how good does all this seem without payment proof, right? So, here you go. I got paid for the first time by Honeygain on 20th Jan, 2023 and here is my PayPal payment from Honeygain.
[metaslider id=1819]
This would prove that the company is legit and that it pays. By the way, this amount also includes the free $5 signup bonus on Honeygain.
Signup on Honeygain and get started
The signup process is very simple and is followed by email verification. After that, you are ready to use Honeygain to make money for renting internet. If you are on Windows, mac, iPhone or Android, you can get started very easily with the readymade Honeygain apps for this platform. These can be downloaded here and then follow these instructions to get started.
Make money on PS4 Linux using Honeygain
This could be a great opportunity, especially for people experimenting with PS4 Linux. This way, you could earn money while using PS4 Linux. Since RAM usage is low, it will also not impact your testing or gaming. So, let’s see how you can install Honeygain on PS4 Linux and then set it up.
The following steps are equally applicable for Linux on any other device.
Install Honeygain on PS4 Linux and make money
Before beginning make sure you have signed up to Honeygain. If you haven’t already, do that by clicking on the button below:-
Verify your email and keep the username and password handy. We will require that later. That brings me to the requirements for this. Let us quickly browse through that.
PS4 running Linux (Arch-based, Fedora-based or Ubuntu-based distros)
If you still aren’t sure if your PS4 can run Linux or can be jailbroken, check out our PS4 Linux AIO Documentation. It has all the information you will need to get started with Linux on PS4. By the way, if you want to port a Linux distro to PS4, check this detailed tutorial out.
Internet access (WiFi or Ethernet)
Since Honeygain requires internet, your PS4 has to be connected to internet. But, since some models of PS4 don’t have access to internet on Linux, you will have to get a USB WiFi or Ethernet adaptor. Learn how to add drivers for WiFi/Ethernet Adaptor.
That is all you require. Now, let’s get started with the installation.
Step 1. Install Docker on PS4 Linux
Instructions for installing Docker on Arch, Fedora and Ubuntu are different. You can find the detailed steps for same here.
Step 2. Install Honeygain on PS4 Linux
- Open a terminal.
- Type
docker pull honeygain/honeygain
and press Enter. Wait for the process to complete. - After the process completes, type docker run honeygain/honeygain -tou-get to read the T&C.
Step 3. Run Honeygain on PS4 Linux
To start running Honeygain, type sudo docker run honeygain/honeygain -tou-accept -email ACCOUNT_EMAIL -pass ACCOUNT_PASSWORD -device DEVICE_NAME
and press Enter.
In the above code, replace ACCOUNT_EMAIL with the email used to register on Honeygain. Replace ACCOUNT_PASSWORD with your Honeygain account password. And, replace DEVICE_NAME with any random text or number that identifies our device on Honeygain dashboard.
Check your Honeygain dashboard from the browser to see your earnings increase!
Step 4. Set Honeygain to start automatically on every boot (Optional)
Using the command in Step 3, you can run Honeygain on Linux. But, this code will have to be run every time on restart. If you want Honeygain to run automatically on every boot, follow these steps. Also remember that this will run in the background.
- Open a terminal.
- If on Ubuntu or Fedora, type
sudo systemctl enable docker
and press Enter. On Arch, typesystemctl enable docker.service
and press Enter. - Type
sudo docker run -d --restart unless-stopped honeygain/honeygain -tou-accept -email ACCOUNT_EMAIL -pass ACCOUNT_PASSWORD -device DEVICE_NAME
and press Enter, after having replaced the values for ACCOUNT_EMAIL, ACCOUNT_PASSWORD and DEVICE_NAME, as shown in Step 3.
To verify if it’s actually running on restart, restart your PS4 on Linux or any other device on Linux. Then, open a terminal and type sudo docker ps
and press Enter. It should list Honeygain, similar to what you see below:-

Else, you could wait for a few minutes and the device would show up as running on your Honeygain dashboard, like this:-

Thanks for reading till the end. I hope you found this useful. If you face any issues, just leave a comment below and I will help you fix it.
sudo systemctl start docker
Job for docker.service failed because the control process exited with error code.
See “systemctl status docker.service” and “journalctl -xeu docker.service” for details.
[noob404@ps4 ~]$
How to fix?
What OS is this?
Nobara 36
If you are still facing this issue, reboot your PS4 and try again. If that doesn’t work, run
sudo dockerd --debug
, reboot and try again. Also post the output of the command, if any.INFO[2022-12-02T20:12:55.323208235+02:00] stopping event stream following graceful shutdown error=”” module=libcontainerd namespace=moby
DEBU[2022-12-02T20:12:55.323208235+02:00] Cleaning up old mountid : done.
INFO[2022-12-02T20:12:55.323208235+02:00] stopping healthcheck following graceful shutdown module=libcontainerd
INFO[2022-12-02T20:12:55.323208235+02:00] stopping event stream following graceful shutdown error=”context canceled” module=libcontainerd namespace=plugins.moby
DEBU[2022-12-02T20:12:55.323208235+02:00] received signal signal=terminated
DEBU[2022-12-02T20:12:55.323208235+02:00] sd notification error=”” notified=false state=”STOPPING=1″
failed to start daemon: Error initializing network controller: error obtaining controller instance: failed to create NAT chain DOCKER: iptables failed: iptables -t nat -N DOCKER: iptables/1.8.7 Failed to initialize nft: Protocol not supported
(exit status 1)
[noob404@ps4 ~]$
What kernel are you using? Infact, connect on Discord (https://discord.gg/QtcPmzHVVm) and PM me (Noob404). I will try to sort this out live.
That command is not supported by iptables-nft(default), you have to use iptables-legacy.
You must install, and then change the command iptables to use it.
here is an example how they work:
Kernel issue. Will have to update the kernel.